Part 1
Selecting suitable companions- Select from among the good possibilities for a suitable betta companion. If you are considering a tank of many different species of fish, you will want to form what is known as a "community tank". This will require selecting fish (or other aquatic species) that are not typically aggressive against each other. Better aquarium stores on on-line guides can help you choose what works for you. Here are a few of the many:
- Corydoras (or cory catfish)
- Ghost shrimp
- Plecos (Although non-aggressive and algae eaters, these fish will eventually grow very large)
- Loaches (These have the same issues at Plecos)
- African dwarf frogs.
- Catfish: such as upside-down catfish, and other common aquarium types.
- Avoid companions that will target your betta. Here are some things to be aware of when selecting a new companion:
- Never choose fin-nippers like tiger barbs. They will destroy your betta's beautiful fins.
- Make sure that the fish do not resemble male bettas, like male guppies with long, flowing tails. Though guppies are peaceful, a male betta may mistake him for another betta, and attack.
- Make sure that the fish have the same, or very similar, water and heat requirements.
- Avoid fish that give off a lot of ammonia, like goldfish. Too much ammonia will damage your betta's health.
- Make sure they are large enough not to get eaten by your betta. Some baby fish may be mistaken for snacks.
- Do a lot of research on these possible companions before making your choice. Take size and care requirements into consideration before choosing.

Source: www.wikihow.com