- Answer: Siamese fighting fish
There are many species of betta fish but the best known, and by far the most popular is the Siamese fighting fish. I made up the other names.
From . (Author: Trufflesss)
- Answer: Osphronemidae
Bettas belong to the family Osphronemidae which includes other air-breathing fish such as gouramis.
From . (Author: uranium238)
- Answer: once a day
Usually the best option is to feed bettas once a day! They are small creatures and do not need alot of food at once but they should be fed daily. Santa is a merry little guy when he's full!
From . (Author: exceller)
- Answer: They are tropical fish.
Betta fish need to be in water that is a little warmer than some other fish as they come from the tropics. The temperature for bettas should be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If they get too cold, they will slow down. This is a very common mistake that betta owners make.
- Answer: bubbles
Betta fish make bubble nests. If you see a mass of bubbles floating on the top of the aquarium, it means that your betta is happy and healthy.
- Answer: He is protecting his territory from what he thinks is another fish.
Bettas are aggressive fish and protect their space. They are known to fight with their reflections in mirrors because they think it is another fish. They will fight and try to kill anything they see in their bowl as a threat. This is also why is it is wise to put bettas in their own tank unless they are used to other fish. Some pet stores do breed bettas to be in aquariums with other fish, but only one betta needs to be in the tank at a time. Some fish can be trained but do not assume a betta will adapt to other fish if it has never been in an aquarium.
- Answer: in rice paddies
In addition to rice paddies, betta fish are found in puddles and slow-moving streams. Their natural environment is shallow, slow-moving water. They breathe air so they must be able to get to the surface easily.
- Answer: to prepare for eggs
Male bettas are the providers for their families! Males are the ones in charge of nurturing and building nests for the eggs. Male bettas will build bubble nests in their fishbowls or tanks to prepare for eggs. This does not necessarily mean that they are breeding. Single male bettas will do this as a habit of nature.
- Answer: the male
The male is the one who builds the nest and takes care of the eggs. As soon as the female lays the eggs, the male takes over, placing them in the nest. He will watch over the eggs for the next 2-3 days, catching and putting them back if they fall out of the nest. Around day 4, the eggs hatch.
From .