Filter or treat the tank water. To keep your fish healthy in his environment, you need to keep the tank or bowl water clean and toxin free. Fish release more waste than other fish or plants can use up, and this waste can lead to toxic or harmful chemical build up in the tank if it is not filtered or removed.
- If your fish lives in a bowl, you will need to treat the tap water you use in the bowl so it is safe for your fish to live in. Treat tap water with chlorine neutralizer and a pinch of aquarium salt or rock salt before you put it in the fishbowl. The salt will help to kill bacteria in the water and keep the water clean for your fish. Do not use iodized salt, as this can harm your fish.
- If your fish lives in an aquarium, you will need to install a filtration system in the aquarium to maintain clean water for your fish. Before you get any fish for your aquarium, you should dechlorinate the tank water and install a filtration system. You will need to allow the tank time to cycle through the water several times, and only introduce a few fish at a time in the environment so the filtration system is not overloaded with waste to process. This will help you avoid “new tank syndrome”, which can kill your fish.
- Different species of tropical fish can require different temperatures so always check to make sure you are providing the correct environment.
- When you buy your fish, the retailer should recommend a reliable aquarium heater to keep the water temperature constant. You can also get a thermometer to confirm the temperature of the tank or bowl water. You should wait a few days after setting up your aquarium to introduce any fish into the tank to allow the water temperature to stabilize. Check with the retailer to make sure the tank or bowl you buy for your fish is big enough as a living environment that is too small for your fish can be dangerous for your fish.
- If your fish is finding the water temperature too hot, he may display certain symptoms, like darting around frantically or acting hyperactive when it is not feeding time. If your fish appears to move very slowly, seems to shiver, or loses interest in food, the water may be too cold for him. You may need to adjust the water temperature so it is closer to the ideal temperature for your fish type.
- Add a plant, live or plastic, to your fish’s bowl. This will give your fish a hiding place, which he will appreciate. If you add a live plant, watch for rotting leaves. You will need to remove or cut these leaves so they do not pollute the water. You can also add rocks and broken clay pots to give your fish more hiding places and make him feel more secure.