Fighting Fish

Fighting fish Aquariums

Fighting fish Aquariums

September 16, 2019
When you buy new fish at your local pet store, they may or may not tell you how to introduce your new friends to your fish tank. There are several…

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Lifespan of a fighting fish

Lifespan of a fighting fish

September 12, 2019
Fantail goldfish were first discovered in the 1400s. Believe it or not, all goldfish, from the five-for-a-dollar feeders to the prized fish show…

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How to breeding fighting fish successfully?

How to breeding fighting fish successfully?

September 10, 2019
Breeding aquarium fish is one of the steps to becoming a skilled aquariast. Once fish are kept healthy enough to spawn, the novice knows that…

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Breeding of Fighter fish

Breeding of Fighter fish

August 29, 2019
Fish reproduce by mostly giving eggs but there are certain small fish that are kept in aquariums that give birth to live fry directly- very much…

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Fighting fish Pictures

Fighting fish Pictures

August 25, 2019
The two fish circled each other warily. Then with a lightning thrust, one of them lunged at the other’s fin and savagely bit into it, as its…

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Crowntail Fighter fish

Crowntail Fighter fish

August 9, 2019
My 180 Gallon Mangrove Jack aquarium build! |

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Siamese fighting

Siamese fighting

August 7, 2019
Ban Rak Roo The Siamese fighting fish learning center is a place where you can explore the intriguing life cycle of this tiny but brave fighter…

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Thai Betta Fighter

Thai Betta Fighter

August 3, 2019
A story of fish fighting in the southern part of Thailand is the most exciting and the most active in Thailand. From my interview to the breeders…

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Fighting fish dying

Fighting fish dying

July 30, 2019
As a pet store owner, I deal with a lot of questions about people’s pets. Every week, I take at least one call from someone whose fish—or whose…

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Crowntail Fighter

Crowntail Fighter

July 20, 2019
1+ images about Crown Tail Betta on Pinterest | Dragons crown

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Top 10 Fighter fish

Top 10 Fighter fish

July 12, 2019
I just got back from a little weekend getaway with some friends up in Door County, Wisconsin where we did a little drinking, some relaxing and…

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