Family: Belontiidae
Paradise fish can be kept with other paradise fish as juveniles, as well as with other similar size tankmates with the same temperature requirements. However, as they mature, males will engage in fierce battles, so only one male should be kept per aquarium.They should be housed in tanks that are densely planted with live plants, such as Hygrophila and Limnophila, on the sides and back of the tank, as well as floating plants like Riccia. Some of the artificial plants available in pet stores can be used instead, if you are not interested in maintaining live plants.Provide lots of hiding places for the female in the form of rocks and driftwood, and leave plenty of swimming room in the center to accommodate the lively antics of these fishes. Paradise fish are accomplished jumpers, so a tight-fitting cover is a must.This species adapts readily to a wide range of foods, including small live foods, bloodworms, tubifex worms, glass worms and brine shrimp, as well as flake and freeze-dried foods. Supplement their diets with vegetable matter in the form of Spirulina-based foods. Paradise fish are easy to breed given correct water conditions. Prepare the fish on small live or frozen foods and reduce the water level. Increase the temperature to induce spawning. Males generally exhibit brighter colors and have substantially longer fins than the females. It is best to isolate a male and female to a separate tank for breeding. These fish are bubble-nest builders and build their nests among floating plants at the surface of the water. The male and female spawn in a "courtship embrace" under the bubble-nest and then both gather the eggs and place them in the nest. Once all the eggs are in the nest, the male will drive the female off and take care of the brood until they hatch.Feed the young on infusoria or Liquifry for egglayers. |