A best small 3 – 5 gallon aquarium filter for Betta fish tank or other small fish is one that not only has a proper flow rate not to stress the fish but also ensures the water clean and clear. So what I’ll do in this post is to review the best aquarium filters for small tanks with small fish or Betta (include power, canister, corner, sponge filters) that you can choose from basing on your needs and budget.
Tetra 26316 Whisper Filter PF10 for 5 – 10 gallon fish tank
- Model: Tetra 26316 Whisper Filter PF10
- Type: power filter (HOB)
- Uses medium Whisper Bio-Bag cartridges.
You may keep small fish like Tetras, Guppies, Bettas or shrimps in your small tank and having a filter that is too strong will cause the fish to get sucked into the filter inlet. Having too strong an output will cause too much water movement and stress the fish by forcing it to keep in constant movement with no rest. This filter with its proper output would be an ideal filter for your 5 gallon fish tank.
Deep Blue Professional ADB88700 Biomaxx Nano Filter
- Model: Deep Blue Professional ADB88700 Biomaxx Nano Filter
- Ideal for: Betta fish tanks, aquariums up to 4 gallons
- Filtration types: mechanical and biological.
Deep Blue Professional ADB88700 Biomaxx Nano Filter can do well for Betta fish tanks or aquariums up to 4 gallons. Moreover, the filter come with an adjustable flow control knog make it perfect for Betta fish as well as other small fish.
The inside of this filter is a abundant place to contain filter materials that ensure your aquarium water is properly purified and ideal for stocking fish. You can use the filter cartridge coming with the product or buy your own filter media to set up the filter as you want. You can buy some ceramide rings or Bio-sponges to add to the filter to perform the most biological filtration keeping your fish healthy.
AZOO Mignon Filter 60 for nano aquariums up to 3.5 gallons
- Model: AZOO Mignon Filter 60 for nano aquariums
- Ideal for: aquariums up to 3.5 gallons with Betta or other small fish
This is also an ideal filter for small tank with Betta or other small fish. The filter is loved by its powerful features such as small compact design, very quiet performance, easy maintenance. The large filter chamber of filter make it a good filtration system. With its design, you can buy and use your own filter media as you think best for your fish.