2010/09 - Betta Lights designed and developed the BettaOne and BettaTwo solar lighting solutions for the informal housing market as well as camping environments.
Key Benefits:
The product's key benefits are that it is affordable, reliable, bright, solar powered solution that uses LED lights to light up either a single or double room environment. The product come standard with a cell phone charger with various popular cell phone connectors. The 1 Watt LED light generates light equal to that of a 7 Watt CFL light or 60 Watt traditional electricity light. A single light illuminates a 15sqm room, with a measured 15lux brightness, meaning that you will be able to read in the room. The product is a "Do It Yourself" kit with all fasteners included. It also come standard with color code cables and inputs on the controller for easy installation.
Key technical features:
The BettaOne and BettaTwo is capable to store enough power to run the LED light continuously for more than 12 hours per night. The solution can be fully recharged within 2.2 full sunlight hours. Both the products come standard with the Lead Crystal battery technology that has a shelf life of up to 2 years, recharge 5 x faster than other batteries and can handle excessive heat of up to +65 degrees C.
Retail ready:
These two products are retail ready and get shipped fully packaged with installation manuals as well as fastener kits.